Letter Jackets and Patches
Jackets are ordered twice a year through HSAA (all Sports) - usually in September & February.
The order form will be emailed to all high school players and will also be at HSAA.org.
High School players will receive a patch for their jackets at the Spring Baseball Banquet.
Letter Jackets through HSAA do not include Back Name Patches. These can be ordered through Baseball in February/March and May (possibly in the fall if enough interest). Or you can order directly from customchenillepatches.com
Some Options We've Done (all Tail Style 3):
1. 2 Layer (Chenille-Navy; Outline-Red; Felt Color-White; Content-Isaiah 40:31; Patch Name-Goode; Extra Felt-No; Text Style-Plain; Text Color-White; Sport Icon-None)
2. 3 Layer (Chenille-Navy; Outline-Red; Felt Color-White; Content-Whisenhunt; Patch Name-Angels; Extra Felt-Navy; Text Style-Plain; Text Color-White; Sport Icon-Baseball)
3. 3 Layer (Chenille-Red; Outline-Navy; Felt Color-White; Content-22 Fusselman; Patch Name-Angels; Extra Felt-Navy; Text Style-Plain; Text Color-White; Sport Icon-Baseball)
4. 2 Layer (Chenille-White; Outline-Red; Felt Color-Navy; Content-Jeremiah 12:5; Patch Name-Preston; Extra Felt-No; Text Style-Plain; Text Color-Navy; Sport Icon-None
5. 2 Layer (Chenille-White; Outline-Red; Felt Color-Navy; Content-Philippians 4:6; Patch Name-G. Pierce; Extra Felt-No; Text Style-Plain; Text Color-Navy; Sport Icon-None